Disappearing Completely: Here Are The 9 Steps Involved

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Anonymous Living, disappear with a new identity, New Identity

Disappearing Completely in just 9 steps.

Think about whether you want to disappear completely and never be found by anyone.

Almost everywhere, it is against the law to lie about dying. Does your situation call for you to fake your death? Could you leave? Are you being melodramatic? Is there anything else? You should only do this if you keep thinking that faking your death is the only way to start over or get away, and you have no other options.

Know what will happen if you fake your death. You won’t be able to talk to any of your friends or family. If you tell them, they will probably end up calling the police or betraying you. If you have to tell someone, choose a friend who will understand and won’t say to the police, your family, or anyone else.

Don’t use anything that can be used to find you.

After you fake your death, you can’t use your old email accounts, memberships, cell phones, or any other personal information from your old life. This is probably the hardest thing to figure out before you do something. The act of despairing completely requires some thought and pre-planning to overcome these challenges.

Since you need money to start a new life, slowly take money out of an account before you “die” and leave behind things like credit cards and other paperwork. If you clear it up completely, it might raise questions. But if you’re in a hurry, take out a lot of money but leave a little behind to hide your tracks.

Be careful of small things that might give you away.

Don’t do anything fishy before. Also, don’t use your laptops, computers, or cell phones afterward (unless you can change the sim card). These can be used to find you once you’re gone. People might also notice that they aren’t there.

Choose how you want to die.

Most likely, suicide is the best choice. Even though it might be hard for your loved ones to deal with if it’s clear that your “death” was a suicide, no one will be blamed for your “murder.” Also, suicide is a more clear-cut case. If people know you “killed” yourself instead of just “disappearing,” they are less likely to check CCTV footage, personal records, etc.

“Getting lost at sea” is another choice. When “lost at sea,” you can fake your death in most coastal states. If you haven’t been seen at sea for at least six days and couldn’t get in touch with anyone, or if your belongings or parts of your ship have been found, you will be declared dead. This method might be complicated because it costs a whole boat, but it might be less upsetting to those you love than killing yourself. This could also make you less likely to be held accountable if caught in your new life.

Could you do it

Before you disappear, leave a note of your “suicide.” Get as far away from the city as you can and start over with a new name. Be untied.

Getting started with your new life

Stop talking to everyone from your old life.

Most people who have faked their deaths mess up this step by cashing the insurance check they were hoping to get or getting a speeding ticket. You have to disappear if you want to get away with it altogether.

Start by staying nearby, like a cheap flophouse hotel, for a few weeks to keep out of sight. Stock up on food, find a place to hide and watch detective shows on TV until the police give up trying to see you. Wear a mask when you have to go out.

Come up with a different name.

Now that the old you is gone, who do you want to be? He was a smooth gambler and poet from South Carolina who gave up his family’s tuna cannery so he could work on cars in Australia. A bartender from a small town who had to move to Los Angeles? Choose who you want to be, and then get to work on disappearing.

The new name. Practice writing, saying, and meeting people with your new name. Make it awesome. Jackson Saint-Bloodrock? It’s nice to meet you.

Your new style. How are you going to shape your new image? Get clothes that are different from what you used to wear. This will keep people from seeing the new you in the old you. Dress so that you could walk by your mother on the street and she wouldn’t even notice you. Grow a beard, shave your head, change the color of your hair, wear leather, or whatever else you need to do to change your style.

How do you look now? How are you going to shape your new image? Get clothes that are different from what you used to wear. This will keep people from seeing the new you in the old you. Dress so that you could walk by your mother on the street and she wouldn’t even notice you. Grow a beard, shave your head, change the color of your hair, wear leather, or whatever else you need to do to change your style.

Get A New Identity, Not Make a fake ID If you want to Disappear.

Once you’ve figured out your new name and are comfortable calling yourself Horace Mc Gillicutty, find or think about making fake documents that will let you start your new life.

Go somewhere no one knows you.

You probably won’t be able to fly unless you have some tremendous fake documents, but you could try hitchhiking safely or taking the bus to get somewhere far away on the cheap.

Work on the floor.

It will be hard to pay your taxes, so working under the table and moving around will keep you safe. Think about working as a migrant worker, going west, and looking for farm work or other contract work that will be easier to do without getting caught. It can be profitable to pick mushrooms in Oregon or California, remove tassels in Indiana, or pick peaches in Georgia. Get out and about to see the country.

Lay low.

Getting famous is probably not the best thing to do. Get ready to live a quiet, simple life where you don’t see many people and keep a mysterious fog around you. If someone gets too close to you, it’s time to move on. Disappearing completely is possible only if you are 100% committed to it.

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